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Here is a list of books I’ve read or listened from the beginning till the end.

See my Googreads profile.

Reading/Listening Stats

Ratings explained
  • ●○○○○ = Terrible!
  • ●●○○○ = Nothing really beneficial here
  • ●●●○○ = It was Good
  • ●●●●○ = A GREAT read!
  • ●●●●● = Perfection!
Year Total (E)Book Audiobook
2024 10 10 -
2023 16 11 5
2022 19 7 12
2021 10 9 1
2020 28 7 21
2019 3 3 -
2018 3 3 -
2017 6 6 -
2016 8 8 -
2015 5 5 -
2014 4 4 -
2013 6 6 -


Read (Book or EBook)

  1. ●●●●○ Русофоб, by Антін Мухарський (Ukrideabook, 2023), ISBN 9786177852413
  2. ●●●●○ Кладовище домашніх тварин, by Стівен Кінг (КСД, 2023), ISBN 9786171504608
  3. ●●●○○ Бійцівський клуб, by Чак Поланік (Книжковий клуб «Клуб сімейного дозвілля», 2016), ISBN 9786171208490
  4. ●●●●● Мізері, by Стівен Кінг (Книжковий Клуб «Клуб Сімейного Дозвілля», 2015), ISBN 9786171200791
  5. ●●●●○ Самознищення Європи: імміграція, ідентичність, іслам, by Дуглас Мюррей (Наш Формат, 2024), ISBN 9786178277796
  6. ●●●○○ Найдовша подорож, by Оксана Забужко (Комора, 2022), ISBN 9786177286881
  7. ●●●○○ Людина в пошуках справжнього сенсу. Психолог у концтаборі, by Віктор Франкл (Книжковий Клуб «Клуб Сімейного Дозвілля», 2016)
  8. ●●●●● Щоденник кілера, by Денні Кінг (КСД, 2023), ISBN 9786171503946
  9. ●●○○○ Tidy First?: A Personal Exercise in Empirical Software Design, by Kent Beck (O’Reilly Media, 2023), ISBN 9781098151249
  10. ●●●○○ Dreaming in Code: Two Dozen Programmers, Three Years, 4,732 Bugs, and One Quest for Transcendent Software, by Scott Rosenberg (Crown Publishing, NY, 2007), ISBN 9781400082469


Read (Book or EBook)

  1. Від нуля до одиниці! Нотатки про стартапи, або як створити майбутнє, by Пітер Тіль (Наш Формат, 2015), ISBN 9786177279142
  2. We Are The Nerds: The Birth and Tumultuous Life of Reddit, the Internet’s Culture Laboratory, by Christine Lagorio-Chafkin (Hachette, 2018), ISBN 0349416362
  3. NETFLIX. Ця ідея ніколи не спрацює, by Marc Randolph (Book Chef, 2020), ISBN 9789669932044
  4. Netflix і культура інновацій, by Рід Гастінгс, Ерін Маєр (Віват, 2021), ISBN 9789669823038
  5. The Tech Resume Inside Out, by Gergely Orosz (2020), ISBN 9781636494166
  6. Rake Task Management Essentials, by Andrey Koleshko (Packt Publishing, 2014), ISBN 1783280786
  7. Десять причин видалити акаунт із соцмереж просто зараз, by Джарон Ланьє (Vivat, 2020), ISBN 9789669820952
  8. 100 Go Mistakes and How to Avoid Them, by Teiva Harsanyi (Manning Publications, 2022), ISBN 1617299596
  9. Кінець гендеру. Розвінчання міфів про стать та ідентичність, by Дебра Со (Наш Формат, 2023), ISBN 9786178120108
  10. Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World, by Cal Newport (Piatkus, 2016), ISBN 0349411913
  11. How to Take Smart Notes: One Simple Technique to Boost Writing, Learning and Thinking, by Sönke Ahrens (Kindle Edition, 2022), ISBN 3982438810

Listened (Audiobook)

  1. The Art of Leadership: Small Things, Done Well, by Michael Lopp (O’Reilly Media, 2020), ISBN 1492045691
  2. The Software Architect Elevator: Redefining the Architect’s Role in the Digital Enterprise, by Gregor Hohpe (O’Reilly Media, 2020), ISBN 1492077542
  3. The Spotify Play: How CEO and Founder Daniel Ek Beat Apple, Google, and Amazon in the Race for Audio Dominance, by Sven Carlsson, Jonas Leijonhufvud (Diversion Books, 2021), ISBN 1635767458
  4. Танці з кістками, by Андрій Сем’янків (Віхола, 2022), ISBN 6177960677
  5. Тривожні люди, by Фредрік Бакман (книголав, 2021), ISBN 6177820913


Read (Book or EBook)

  1. Культурна карта. Бар’єри міжкультурного спілкування в бізнесі, by Ерін Меєр (Наш Формат, 2020), ISBN 9786177863297
  2. Ми — Bellingcat. Онлайн-розслідування міжнародних злочинів та інформаційна війна з Росією, by Eliot Higgins (Наш формат, 2022), ISBN 9786177973811
  3. Призма головного шпигуна. Боротьба з російською агресією, by Jack Devine (Фоліо, 2021), ISBN 9789660397644
  4. Rework. Ця книжка змінить ваш погляд на бізнес, by Jason Fried, David Heinemeier Hansson (Книжковий клуб “Клуб сімейного дозвілля”, 2016), ISBN 9786171204553
  5. Androids: The Team That Built the Android Operating System, by Chet Haase (No Starch Press, 2022), ISBN 9781718502680
  6. Engineers Survival Guide: Advice, tactics, and tricks After a decade of working at Facebook, Snapchat, and Microsoft, by Merih Taze (Kindle Edition, 2022), ISBN 9798985349900
  7. Go Fundamentals: Gopher Guides, by Mark Bates, Cory Lanou (Addison-Wesley Professional, 2022), ISBN 9780137918300

Listened (Audiobook)

  1. Та ви жартуєте, містере Фейнман! Пригоди допитливого дивака, by Richard P. Feynman (Наш Формат, 2018), ISBN 9786177552160
  2. Ніколи не йдіть на компроміс. Техніка ефективних переговорів, by Chris Voss (Наш Формат, 2019), ISBN 9786177682225
  3. Sapiens: Людина розумна, by Ювал Ной Харарі (BookChef, 2021), ISBN 9789669937155
  4. Сміх у кінці тунелю. Нотатки українського анестезіолога, by Іван Черненко (Віхола, 2021), ISBN 9786177960361
  5. Розгадка геніальності. Як працює інженерія ідей, by Ron Friedman (Лабораторія, 2021), ISBN 9786177965748
  6. Моссад. Найвидатніші операції ізраїльської розвідки, by Michael Bar-Zohar, Nissim Mishal (Наш Формат, 2022), ISBN 9786177973873
  7. Фактор Черчиля. Як одна людина змінила історію, by Боріс Джонсон (Віват, 2019), ISBN 9789669427960
  8. Where Wizards Stay Up Late: The Origins of the Internet, by Katie Hafner, Matthew Lyon (Simon Schuste, 1998), ISBN 9780684832678
  9. Escaping the Build Trap: How Effective Product Management Creates Real Value, by Melissa Perri (O’Reilly Media, 2018), ISBN 9781491973790
  10. The Manager’s Path: A Guide for Tech Leaders Navigating Growth and Change, by Camille Fournier (O’Reilly Media, 2017), ISBN 9781491973899
  11. Hackers & Painters: Big Ideas from the Computer Age, by Paul Graham, Allen Noren (O’Reilly Media, 2004), ISBN 9780596006624
  12. How to Fuck Up Your Startup: The Science Behind Why 90% of Companies Fail–and How You Can Avoid It by Kim Hvidkjaer (Matt Holt Books, 2022), ISBN 9781637740590


Read (Book or EBook)

  1. Serious Python: Black-Belt Advice on Deployment, Scalability, Testing, and More, by Julien Danjou (No Starch Press, 2018), ISBN 1593278780
  2. A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence: What It Is, Where We Are, and Where We Are Going, by Michael Wooldridge (Flatiron Books, 2021), ISBN 1250770734
  3. The Hundred-Page Machine Learning Book, by Andriy Burkov (Andriy Burkov, 2019)), ISBN 1777005477
  4. Безмежна сила математики. Як завдяки матаналізу винайшли смартфони, телебачення і GPS, by Стівен Строґац (Наш Формат, 2020), ISBN 9786177866212
  5. Kingpin: How One Hacker Took Over the Billion-Dollar Cybercrime Underground, by Kevin Poulsen (Crown, 2011), ISBN 0307588688
  6. П’ять вад у роботі команди. Історії реальних викликів та перемог, by Патрік Ленсіоні (Книжковий Клуб «Клуб Сімейного Дозвілля», 2017), ISBN 9786171224643
  7. Не работайте с мудаками. И что делать, если они вокруг вас, by Роберт Саттон (Манн, Иванов и Фербер, 2015), ISBN 9785000576175
  8. Go Bootcamp, by Matt Aimonetti (2014), ISBN N/A
  9. 97 Things Every Java Programmer Should Know: Collective Wisdom from the Experts, by Kevlin Henney (O’Reilly Media, 2020), ISBN 1491952695

Listened (Audiobook)

  1. Countdown to Zero Day: Stuxnet and the Launch of the World’s First Digital Weapon, by Kim Zetter (Crown, 2014), ISBN 9780770436179


Read (Book or EBook)

  1. Live Work Work Work Die: A Journey into the Savage Heart of Silicon Valley, by Corey Pein (Metropolitan Books, 2018), ISBN 9781627794855
  2. Python Interviews: Discussions with Python Experts, by Michael Driscoll (Packt Publishing, 2018), ISBN 9781788391764
  3. 1984, by George Orwell, ISBN 9789662355574
  4. Animal Farm, by George Orwell, ISBN 9780452284241
  5. Вторжение. Краткая история русских хакеров, by Даниил Туровский (Индивидуум паблишинг, 2019), ISBN 9785604262733
  6. UNIX: A History and a Memoir, by Brian W. Kernighan (Independently Published, 2019), ISBN 9781695978553
  7. Lab Rats: How Silicon Valley Made Work Miserable for the Rest of Us, by Dan Lyons (Hachette Books, 2018), ISBN 9780316561860

Listened (Audiobook)

  1. Sandworm: A New Era of Cyberwar and the Hunt for the Kremlin’s Most Dangerous Hackers, by Andy Greenberg (Doubleday Books, 2019), ISBN 9780385544405
  2. AI Superpowers: China, Silicon Valley, and the New World Order, by Kai-Fu Lee (Brilliance Audio, 2018), ISBN 9781328546395
  3. Ghost in the Wires: My Adventures as the World’s Most Wanted Hacker, by Kevin D. Mitnick, William L. Simon (Little, Brown and Company, 2011), ISBN 9780316037709
  4. Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution, by Steven Levy (O’Reilly Media, 2010), ISBN 9781449388393
  5. American Kingpin: The Epic Hunt for the Criminal Mastermind Behind the Silk Road, by Nick Bilton (Portfolio, 2017), ISBN 9781591848141
  6. Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup, by John Carreyrou (Knopf Publishing Group, 2018), ISBN 9781524731656
  7. The Innovators: How a Group of Hackers, Geniuses and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution, by Walter Isaacson (Simon and Schuster, 2014), ISBN 9781476708690
  8. Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win, by Jocko Willink (St. Martin’s Press, 2015), ISBN 9781250067050
  9. Chaos Monkeys Revised Edition: Obscene Fortune and Random Failure in Silicon Valley, by Antonio García Martínez (HarperAudio, 2018), ISBN 9780062884503
  10. Creativity, Inc.: Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand in the Way of True Inspiration, by Ed Catmull, Amy Wallace (Random House, 2014), ISBN 9780812993011
  11. Permanent Record, by Edward Snowden (Metropolitan Books, 2019), ISBN 9781250237231
  12. Навчитися вчитися. Як запустити свій мозок на повну, by Barbara Oakley, Артем Замоцний (Translator) (Наш формат, 2018), ISBN 9786177552870
  13. The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business, by Charles Duhigg (Random House, 2012), ISBN 9781400069286
  14. Facebook: The Inside Story, by Steven Levy (Penguin Audio, 2020), ISBN 9780735213159
  15. Super Pumped: The Battle for Uber, by Mike Isaac (W. W. Norton Company, 2019), ISBN 9780393652246
  16. We Are Anonymous: Inside the Hacker World of LulzSec, Anonymous, and the Global Cyber Insurgency, by Parmy Olson (Little, Brown and Company, 2012), ISBN 9780316213547
  17. Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones, by James Clear (Avery, 2018), ISBN 9780735211292
  18. The Unicorn Project, by Gene Kim (It Revolution Press, 2019), ISBN 9781942788768
  19. Masters of Doom: How Two Guys Created an Empire and Transformed Pop Culture, by David Kushner (Random House, 2004), ISBN 9780375505249
  20. The Cuckoo’s Egg: Tracking a Spy Through the Maze of Computer Espionage, by Clifford Stoll (Gallery Books, 2005), ISBN 9781416507789
  21. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, by Stephen R. Covey (Simon Schuster Audio, 2012), ISBN 9781442350809


Read (Book or EBook)

  1. Прокрастинація. Чому ви вдаєтеся до неї і що можна зробити із цим вже сьогодні, by Джейн Б. Бурка (Jane B. Burka), Ленора М. Юен (Lenora M. Yuen) (Видавництво Старого Лева, 2018), ISBN 9786176795643
  2. The Phoenix Project: A Novel about IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win, by Gene Kim, Kevin Behr, George Spafford (It Revolution Press, 2014), ISBN 9780988262508
  3. The Pragmatic Programmer: Your Journey to Mastery, by David Thomas, Andrew Hunt (Addison-Wesley Professional, 2019), ISBN 9780201616224


Read (Book or EBook)

  1. Моє життя та робота, by Henry Ford (Наш Формат, 2015), ISBN 9789669742551
  2. Кмітливіші, швидші, кращі. Секрети продуктивності в житті та бізнесі, by Charles Duhigg (КСД, 2017), ISBN 9786171222809
  3. Effective Python: 59 Specific Ways to Write Better Python, by Brett Slatkin (Addison-Wesley Professional, 2015), ISBN 9780134034287


Read (Book or EBook)

  1. The Neophyte’s Guide to Scala, by Daniel Westheide (2013)
  2. Building Microservices: Designing Fine-Grained Systems, by Sam Newman (O’Reilly Media, 2015), ISBN 9781491950357
  3. Reactive Microservices Architecture, by Jonas Bonér (O’Reilly Media, 2016)
  4. SBT in Action, by Joshua Suereth, Matthew Farwell (Manning, 2014), ISBN 9781617291272
  5. Hatching Twitter: A True Story of Money, Power, Friendship, and Betrayal, by Nick Bilton (Portfolio Hardcover, 2013), ISBN 9781591846017
  6. Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness, and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier, by Suelette Dreyfus (Mandarin, 1997), ISBN 9781863305952


Read (Book or EBook)

  1. Pro Vagrant, by Wlodzimierz Gajda (Apress, 2015), ISBN 9781484200742
  2. Functional Programming in Java: Harnessing the Power of Java 8 Lambda Expressions, by Venkat Subramaniam (Pragmatic Press, 2013), ISBN 9781937785468
  3. Object-Oriented vs. Functional Programming, by Richard Warburton (O’Reilly Media, 2015), ISBN 9781491933428
  4. Release It!: Design and Deploy Production-Ready Software, by Michael T. Nygard (Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2007), ISBN 9780978739218
  5. Стів Джобс : людина, яка мислила по- іншому, by Карен Блюменталь ( Навчальна книга - Богдан, 2016), ISBN 9789661032889. (Translation of: Steve Jobs: The Man Who Thought Different)
  6. «Як працює Google», by Ерік Шмідт (Eric Schmidt), Джонатан Розенберг (Jonathan Rosenberg), ISBN 9781455582327. (Translation of: How Google Works)
  7. Ілон Маск: Tesla, SpaceX і шлях у фантастичне майбутнє, by Ешлі Венс (Ashlee Vance) (ТАО, 2015), ISBN 9780062301239
  8. Data Scientists at Work, by Sebastian Gutierrez (Apress, 2014), ISBN 9781430265986


Read (Book or EBook)

  1. The Well-Grounded Java Developer: Vital techniques of Java 7 and polyglot programming, by Benjamin J. Evans, Martijn Verburg (Manning Publications, 2012), ISBN 9781617290060
  2. Lisp Hackers, by Vsevolod Dyomkin (Leanpub, 2013)
  3. Functional Programming for Java Developers: Tools for Better Concurrency, Abstraction, and Agility, by Dean Wampler (O’Reilly Media, 2011), ISBN 9781449311032
  4. Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship, by Robert C. Martin (Prentice Hall, 2008), ISBN 9780132350884
  5. Grails 2: A Quick-Start Guide, by Dave Klein, Ben Klein (Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2013), ISBN 9781937785772


Read (Book or EBook)

  1. Making Java Groovy, by Kenneth Kousen (Manning, 2013), ISBN 9781935182948
  2. Single Page Web Applications, by Michael S. Mikowski, Josh C. Powell (Manning Publications, 2012), ISBN 9781617290756
  3. Programming Groovy 2, by Venkat Subramaniam (Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2013), ISBN 9781937785307
  4. Just for Fun: The Story of an Accidental Revolutionary, by Linus Torvalds, David Diamond (Harper Business, 2002), ISBN 9780066620732


Read (Book or EBook)

  1. Pro Spring 3, by Rob Harrop, Clarence Ho (Apress, 2012), ISBN 9781430241072
  2. Scrum and XP from the Trenches, by Henrik Kniberg (, 2007), ISBN 9781430322641
  3. iText in Action, by Bruno Lowagie (Manning Publications, 2010), ISBN 9781935182610
  4. Deploying with JRuby: Deliver Scalable Web Apps using the JVM, by Joe Kutner (The Pragmatic Programmers, 2012), ISBN 9781934356975
  5. Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code, by Martin Fowler, Kent Beck (Contributor), Don Roberts (Contributor) (Addison-Wesley Object Technology Series, 1999), ISBN 9780201485677
  6. Software Estimation: Demystifying the Black Art, by Steve McConnell (Microsoft Press, 2006), ISBN 9780735605350

2012 - 2000

Read (Book or EBook)

  1. C++ In Action: Industrial Strength Programming Techniques, by Bartosz Milewski (Addison Wesley Publishing Company, 2001), ISBN 9780201699487
  2. The Deadline: A Novel about Project Management, by Tom DeMarco (Dorset House, 2002), ISBN 9780932633392
  3. Programming Scala: Scalability = Functional Programming + Objects, by Dean Wampler, Alex Payne ( O’Reilly Media, 2009), ISBN 9780596155957
  4. Spring Persistence with Hibernate, by Paul Fisher, Solomon Duskis (Apress, 2010), ISBN 9781430226321
  5. The Productive Programmer, by Neal Ford (O’Reilly Media, 2008), ISBN 9780596519780
  6. Learning Play! Framework 2 (Tips Techniques), by Andy Petrella (Packt Publishing, 2013), ISBN 9781782160120
  7. Scala for Java Developers, by Thomas Alexandre (Packt Publishing, 2014), ISBN 9781783283637
  8. Practices of an Agile Developer: Working in the Real World, by Venkat Subramaniam, Andy Hunt (Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2006), ISBN 9780974514086
  9. Pragmatic Thinking and Learning: Refactor Your Wetware, by Andy Hunt (Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2008), ISBN 9781934356050
  10. The Passionate Programmer, by Chad Fowler (Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2009), ISBN 9781934356340
  11. The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master, by Andy Hunt, Dave Thomas (Addison-Wesley Professional, 1999), ISBN 9780201616224
  12. Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture, by Martin Fowler, David Rice, Matthew Foemmel, Edward Hieatt, Robert Mee, Randy Stafford (Addison-Wesley Professional, 2002), ISBN 9780321127426
  13. Pomodoro Technique Illustrated, by Staffan Nöteberg (Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2010), ISBN 9781934356500
  14. Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, by Erich Gamma, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides, Richard Helm (Addison-Wesley Professional, 1994), ISBN 9780201633610
  15. SCJP Sun Certified Programmer for Java 6 Study Guide, by Kathy Sierra, Bert Bates (McGraw-Hill, 2008), ISBN 9780071591065
  16. The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering, by Frederick P. Brooks Jr. (Addison-Wesley Professional, 1995), ISBN 9780201835953
  17. Programming Ruby: The Pragmatic Programmers’ Guide, by Dave Thomas, Chad Fowler, Andy Hunt (Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2004), ISBN 9780974514055
  18. The Clean Coder: A Code of Conduct for Professional Programmers, by Robert C. Martin (Prentice Hall, 2011), ISBN 9780137081073
  19. Pro Git, by Scott Chacon (Apress, 2009), ISBN 9781430218333