OpenCV tutorials and learning materials¶
| opencv | python | computer vision |
The idea was/is to collect practical tutorials in “zero to hero” style.
Youtube Videos¶
1 - sentdex: OpenCV with Python for Image and Video Analysis¶
It’s a nice practical introductory course into the subject.
See related text-based tutorial
- OpenCV with Python Intro and loading Images tutorial
- Loading Video Source
- Drawing and Writing on Image
- Image Operations
- Image arithmetics and Logic
- Thresholding
- Color Filtering
- Blurring and Smoothing
- Morphological Transformations
- Canny Edge Detection and Gradients
- Template Matching
- GrabCut Foreground Extraction
- Corner Detection
- Feature Matching (Homography) Brute Force
- MOG Background Reduction
- Haar Cascade Object Detection Face & Eye
- Creating your own Haar Cascade
2 - Murtaza’s Workshop - Robotics and AI¶
This is a very interesting Youtube channel. I highly recommend it to anybody interesting in OpenCV and computer vision.
Opencv Python Tutorials For Beginners¶
- Single Video Course
- Basics
- Intermidiate
- Projects
3 - OpenCV Course - Full Tutorial with Python¶
Learn everything you need to know about OpenCV in this full course for beginners. You will learn the very basics (reading images and videos, image transformations) to more advanced concepts (color spaces, edge detection).
1 - Official OpenCV-Python Tutorials¶
Here are the main chapters, each contains sub-chapters:
- Introduction to OpenCV
- Introduction to OpenCV-Python Tutorials
- Install OpenCV-Python in Windows
- Install OpenCV-Python in Fedora
- Install OpenCV-Python in Ubuntu
- Gui Features in OpenCV
- Getting Started with Images
- Getting Started with Videos
- Drawing Functions in OpenCV
- Mouse as a Paint-Brush
- Trackbar as the Color Palette
- Core Operations
- Basic Operations on Images
- Arithmetic Operations on Images
- Performance Measurement and Improvement Techniques
- Image Processing in OpenCV
- Changing Colorspaces
- Geometric Transformations of Images
- Image Thresholding
- Smoothing Images
- Morphological Transformations
- Image Gradients
- Canny Edge Detection
- Image Pyramids
- Contours in OpenCV
- Histograms in OpenCV
- Image Transforms in OpenCV
- Template Matching
- Hough Line Transform
- Hough Circle Transform
- Image Segmentation with Watershed Algorithm
- Interactive Foreground Extraction using GrabCut Algorithm
- Feature Detection and Description
- Understanding Features
- Harris Corner Detection
- Shi-Tomasi Corner Detector & Good Features to Track
- Introduction to SIFT (Scale-Invariant Feature Transform)
- Introduction to SURF (Speeded-Up Robust Features)
- FAST Algorithm for Corner Detection
- BRIEF (Binary Robust Independent Elementary Features)
- ORB (Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF)
- Feature Matching
- Feature Matching + Homography to find Objects
- Video analysis (video module)
- High Dynamic Range Imaging
- High level stitching API (Stitcher class)
- How to Use Background Subtraction Methods
- Meanshift and Camshift
- Optical Flow
- Cascade Classifier
- Cascade Classifier Training
- Introduction to Support Vector Machines
- Support Vector Machines for Non-Linearly Separable Data
- Introduction to Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
- Camera Calibration and 3D Reconstruction
- Camera Calibration
- Pose Estimation
- Epipolar Geometry
- Depth Map from Stereo Images
- Machine Learning
- K-Nearest Neighbour
- Support Vector Machines (SVM)
- K-Means Clustering
- Computational Photography
- Image Denoising
- Image Inpainting
- High Dynamic Range (HDR)
- Object Detection (objdetect module) 1. High Dynamic Range Imaging 2. High level stitching API (Stitcher class) 3. How to Use Background Subtraction Methods 4. Meanshift and Camshift 5. Optical Flow 6. Cascade Classifier 7. Cascade Classifier Training 8. Introduction to Support Vector Machines 9. Support Vector Machines for Non-Linearly Separable Data 10. Introduction to Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
- OpenCV-Python Bindings 1. How OpenCV-Python Bindings Works?
Github opencv¶
2 - RSDharra - Computer Vision: Zero To Hero¶
- Introduction
- OpenCV Installion
- Basic OpenCV Operation
- Random Bytes to grayscale and BGR image
- Accessing image pixels
- Reading/writing a video file
- Capturing camera frames
- Displaying camera frames
- High pass filter
- Low Pass filter
- Canny Edge Detection
- Contour Detection
- Area of Object
- Convex Hull
- Line Detection
- Circle Detection
- Detecting Shapes
- Finding Object
- ORB Algorithm
- ORB For Object Detection
- GrabCut
- Watershed Algorithm
- Haar Cascades
- Face Detection
- Face Detection using Webcam
- Car Detection
- Basic Motion Detection
- Intro to Dlib
- Face Feature Landmark Detection
- Yawn Detection
- Face Swap
- Intro To ML
- Digit Recognition
- Face Recognition
- Detect By Color
- Background Subtraction
3 - Miscellaneous¶
- OpenCV-Python Tutorials. This tutorial might be a bit outdated, but it is good enouth for beginning.
- PyImageSearch is a website created by Adrian Rosebrock, PhD, professional Computer Vision/Deep Learning developer and researcher. You can find there blog, books, courses.
- Learn OpenCV is a website created by Satya Mallick, PhD, “entrepreneur with a love for Computer Vision and Machine Learning”. The author writes blog, created several cources, and duing AI consultancy.