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Functional programming in Haskell - Part 1

| haskell | functional programming |

UPD (2018-0114): I put this MOOC on hold. Unfortunatelly, my plan has been changed and I have decided to stop doing this course due to overload on other directions. But this particular course is cool and teacher is cool. I highly recommend it.

These notes are related to MOOC Stepik cource “Функциональное программирование на языке Haskell”. This course is in Russian language and I decided to make notes. It might be useful for me in future or for somebody else.

In general, I’ve been doing programming language ecosystem discovery before jump into it. And here is the initial findings:

Development environment for this course

Right now I do not want to concentrate my attention on Haskell build tools. Also, I know that people do not recommend using Haskell Platform (see here). That’s why I’ve decided to use docker image.

docker run -it --rm haskell:8

or you can mount current folder (assuming with source code) and run ghci or ghc from the container

docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/home haskell:8 /bin/bash

This approach is not perfect, but now you can avoid build tool issues.